Rotary-Good Neighbors 1

SML Good Neighbors, Inc., President and Executive Director, Russ Baskett and Program Director, Lisa Lietz, addressed the Rotary Club of Smith Mountain Lake at their breakfast meeting.  Russ announced that SML Good Neighbors will expand their summer enrichment programs and increase their pool of students this year from six to ten elementary schools, five in Bedford and five in Franklin County.  SML Good Neighbors focus their program on families with limited resources and children identified by each of the schools who could benefit from the program. The Good Neighbors program provides both academic and enrichment experiences for children entering first through sixth grades.  They also provide breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks each day to children attending the program.  Participating children are given a backpack and sent home each weekend with a new book and six meals.   SML Good Neighbors began their school programs in 2007. This will be the seventh year that the scope of the program has grown to include four week summer camps.  Overall, the children just think they are having fun. Lisa Lietz explained that Good Neighbors plans to hire nine college students this summer to serve as interns working with the children.  Each intern is carefully selected.  Five of the nine college interns from last year have already agreed to return for this summer’s enrichments camps. There is no cost to children or their families who participate in this program.  SML Good Neighbors, Inc., is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit and relies on donations from individuals, businesses, civic groups, area churches and grants.  The Rotary Club of SML is one of the civic organizations helping to support this program. For additional information about SML Good Neighbors, Inc., or to volunteer, please visit their website at http://www/ You may also contact Lisa Lietz by email: or by phone at 540-585-4912. The Rotary Club of Smith Mountain Lake meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month for breakfast at the Westlake Golf & Country Club. The meetings begin at 7:15 AM and last for about an hour. For additional information on the club and meetings, contact Steve Miller at 540-721-0336.

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